Head Office
The Alumasc Group plc
Station Road
Burton Latimer
Northamptonshire NN15 5JP
Tel: +44 (0)1536 383844
Email: info@alumasc.co.uk
Country of incorporation: England
Company registration number: 01767387
Main country of operation: United Kingdom
Group Company Secretary – Helen Ashton
Skyline, Alumasc Rainwater & Harmer
Alumasc Water Management Solutions
Station Road
Burton Latimer
Northamptonshire NN15 5JP
Tel: +44 (0)1536 383810
Email: info@alumascwms.co.uk
Web: www.alumascwms.co.uk
ARP Group Holdings Limited
Unit 2
Vitruvius Way
Meridian Business Park
Leicester LE19 1WA
Tel: +44 (0)116 289 4400
Email: sales@arp-ltd.com
Web: www.arp-ltd.com
Rainclear Systems
Unit 34A
Techno Trading Estate
Ganton Way
Swindon SN2 8ES
Tel: +44 (0)800 644 4426
Email: sales@rainclear.co.uk
Web: www.rainclear.co.uk
Wade & Gatic (Slotdrain)
Third Avenue
Essex CO9 2SX
Tel: +44 (0)1787 475151
Email: info@alumascwms.co.uk
Website: www.alumascwms.co.uk
Gatic (Covers)
Hammond House
Poulton Close
Kent CT17 0UF
Tel: +44 (0)1304 203545
Email: info@alumascwms.co.uk
Web: www.alumascwms.co.uk
Elkington China Ltd
Unit 2, 16/F, Cheung Tat Centre
18 Cheung Lee Street
Chai Wan
Hong Kong
Tel: +(852) 2305 0100
Email: ecl@biznetvigator.com
Web: www.alumascwms.co.uk
Gatic (Middle East) FZ-LLC
Dubai Media City
Commercial Building 5
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 (0)58 539 2730
Web: www.alumascwms.co.uk
Waterproofing Systems
Alumasc Roofing
White House Works
Bold Road
St Helens
Merseyside WA9 4JG
Tel: +44 (0)1744 648400
Email: info@alumascroofing.com
Web: www.alumascroofing.com
Green roofing
Blackdown Greenroofs
3 The Waggon Shed
Flax Drayton Farm
South Petherton
Somerset TA13 5LR
Tel: +44 (0)1460 234582
Email: info@alumascroofing.com
Web: www.alumascroofing.com
Rooftop management systems
Roof Pro Systems
White House Works
Bold Road
St Helens
Merseyside WA9 4JG
Tel: +44 (0)1744 648400
Email: cad@roof-pro.co.uk
Web: www.roof-pro.co.uk
Timloc Building Products
Timloc House
Ozone Park
East Riding of Yorkshire DN14 7SD
Tel: +44 (0)1405 765567
Email: sales@timloc.co.uk
Web: www.timloc.co.uk